
Sketches: Dancers and Pokemon

A few weeks ago, I saw my friend Nirav in his swing dancing show. They wore newsboy caps, collared shirts, and suspenders. It hasn't left my mind since.

If Rivek and Bohren lived in the 1910s/20s, they would have gone off to the Great War, lost a few fingers, and then come back only to work as street sweepers. Sucks.

Along the same lines, I wanted to do some ballroom dance pictures. I've had this idea since high school where it's kind of like their prom. Rivek's a guard and technically on duty for the night, so Willow asks him to follow her outside where no one will see, and they dance in the moonlight as the music wafts through the windows. Pose is woefully stiff because I drew it while watching Wolverine in the theatre (Ironiceally, it's the only movie where I find Ryan Reynolds attractive. I bet it's the swords.).

Here are some Pokemon I am making into con season keychains. Again, some are going to need re-drawing. When I work, I need to draw the same thing over and over before it's just right.

Oh, and sometimes, I forget how to draw my own characters... I had to practice to figure out how to draw Rivek's face again. I still can't do it in three-quarters just right.


Michelle said...

you should definitely try some ballroom dance pictures :) not only are the people muscular/flexible/amazing for figure drawing, they tend to wear the weirdest costumes ever.

Pinky said...

Your drawings are great. I agree you with michele, you should try Ballroom Dance pictures too. You are great.

Leezer said...

They're not stiff, they're prettiful... :-C

Ariel Hugo Ayala said...

hey men your are excellent ! iam ariel from argentine ! im drwing too it is my bloog please visit ! jaja!