
Art: Magnum Layered File

If it's obvious, I've been drawing but not posting. I'm having some trouble with a relatively simple character design, so I made a layered file to play around with things. I'm still undecided, so I'm uploading it for feedback.

Superheroes are this iconic thing, so I wanted to create the most shallow superhero ever (heavily inspired by Kickass, I suppose). By day, Richard Cox is a rich-kid investment banker who likes martial arts. By night, he becomes (the ever appropriately-named) Magnum - a superhero whose only motivation is to rescue attractive women, take advantage of Nightingale Syndrome, and bed them. He's the type of superhero who just shoots villains. Kind of a dick. The other thing being, for all his desire to be arrogant, he is a masochist and in part, takes on this identity to get the crap kicked out of him.

Anyhow, I'm stuck on the visual design because I want something sleek, but everything I draw looks like Nightwing. I didn't make him hulking-ly Superman muscular since he's meant to be pretty unappealing in his alter-ego - in that Draco Malfoy, useless, pretty boy, too-arrogant-to-like, way. Magnum is supposed to compensate for this. Therefore - no capes, no extreme armor. I am trying to incorporate the 'M' as a symbol, but it's difficult. The colors are set, at least.

Download the PSD here:


You know, this would be a lot harder if I hadn't taken life drawing.

1 comment:

The Noir Guy said...

Well first of all, I'd like to say that I really like all your different magnum designs and making the layered photoshop costume system is a great idea. I might steal it.

But if you're trying to get away from nightwing and mainstream superheroes, have you tried something more along the lines of the pulp fiction suit wearing crime fighters like the spirit or the green hornet? Maybe since he's an investment banker he has a suit for work and then has his private tailor make him his special "magnum" jet black suit with a monogrammed "M" on the chest like a crest form a yale society. I could picture him with a tiny eye mask, white golves, suspenders and a giant gun holster under his open jacket.

Or, you could also go with the "hard-ass leather jacket look" Maybe riding boots and a specially made Italian leather jacket with spray on stubble and biker gloves.

Just some ideas. Good luck!