
Art: Bas-Relief Style

Oh, and I did get to some finished pieces I might add. These are the refults from the sketch work you saw a couple posts earlier.

I'm very happy with the D. Grayman one, maybe because it's one of my favorite series (despite my Allen looking a little wonky). I wish to draw portraits of all the characters now! I went for a more musical theme because of Allen's relationship to Mana and performances and masks. Also, I altered the Rose Cross to say "Linali" and "Marian" - two people I think Allen hold as the most important. Also, if you notice, the final number on the circle part of the cross is "14," which I swear makes sense if you read it. "Indemnis" means "innocence" in Latin, which is pretty self-explanatory given the storyline.

Also, Harry Potter! This one's been doing pretty well out of my prints. In addition to the items I prevoiusly mentioned, we have a snake and a lion and an abstracted Forbidden Forest and Ministry of Magic. Also, each character is matched up to their animal - Hermione to Crookshanks, Harry to Hedwig, and Ron to Scabbers. There are a wand and a broomstick crossed in the background, and it says "Dracon dormiens nunquam titillandus" - "never tickle a sleeping dragon" - Hogwarts's motto.

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