
Sketches: Movie Genres

At Private Exchange, we're doing a series of lightining rounds (a.k.a quick or sketch rounds) based around movie genres. Week 1 - Action/Adventure. I immediately thought Bond, James Bond. However, the rest of the world seems to have thought Indiana Jones. But that said, here's Sybil in a femme fatale outfit. Sybil beings to http://angelinme220.deviantart.com - check out her work. It's really lovely, especially how she uses color.

Also, we have the continuation of the Les Miserables cast with WIllow - a princess and thus somewhat naive, spoiled, and easily caught up in fairy tales - as Cosette. Even though, she has brown hair.

Oh, and I tried to do something really awesome but totally failed. This is why I actually go through a lot of drafting when I make my finished work, drawing . Because just going straigt to the paper leaves for a lot of distorted proportions.

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