
Writing: My Character Design Process

I'd like to write a couple entries describing how I go about working. I figured some people - mostly other artists - will be interested.

I'm as analytical with my character designs as anything (Computer Science will do that to you.). Do note, however, although the initial idea can crop up at any of these steps, I usually do all of them to flesh it out before I consider the character worthy of releasing.

I tend to form them from a general archetype at first. I feel this is because a character too weird, people won't relate to it. It has to be mildly familiar. For example, Kaiaden's base idea is "pirate youth." So he's brash, arrogant, and a prodigy naval strategist.

Then, I try to put a twist on that idea, make it something less like every other archetype character out there. Kaiaden again - is both a "pirate" and a "teenage father." But he's still a good dad - something you wouldn't expect from a pirate. Bonus, the kid is from a relationship with his adopted sister.

The setting. If I have a story already going, great. If it's for an RP, figure out how that character evolved in that world. Kai is from a world where magic used to exist but is dying out. Those who still have it war with one another for power. Therefore, he is less a classical Carribbean pirate and more a very smart boy, with a boat and an ideal.

Then, I work on some history on how they ended up in that position. Kai was abandoned by his dad, a merchant, and groomed by a rebel leader because he showed promise in strategy. This explains why he acts much tougher than he is - because he never wants to admit his spoiled origin.

And then, I work on the physical stuff. This stage tends to be the easiest or the hardest, never in between. When it's easy, they come out full formed. When it's hard, it requires sketch after sketch after sketch to perfection (plus lots of research). Usually, I have a basic costume idea but never really set it in stone. Kai was one of those who was fully formed. Red headband, blond hair, freckles, and green coat. And like, while green coat is the trademark, it's length and cut aren't very specific and up to artistic interpretation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi , keep posting your works , It need not be finished ya.

But keep posting what u have done we can discuss here right.

please do visit my blog and forward your suggestions
