
Sketches: Old BL Stories

Some sketches I did for stories I invented a long time ago, involving boys' love. I think, at this point, the stories need more clarification, but I think I will continue with these sketches.

Adrian is a cross-dresser. I guess this was more a drawing challenge than a story (it's a classicly horrible, fanfiction-style, harem tale) - how would I pose and dress a male figure to making it convincingly androgynous? I just like drawing his hair.

I'm really proud of this one. I've long had an affinity for snakes - since I was in grade school - so the working title is "The Cobra and the Dove." The story is, in short, a prince, Belsamael, travels to a far-off land and falls in love with his tailor (rich displomats get tailors, after all). He convinces the young tailor, Torianye, to come be his queen. Naive and hopeful to move out of his lot in life, he accepts. To keep up this ruse, Tori wears wigs, alters his clothing, pretends he's mute. Unfortunately, one-sided relationships can only be stretched so thin, especially when an entire kingdom is expecting and heir.

I love Middle Eastern clothing, so it was heavily inspired by that. Again, another visual gender challenge. Both characters are male, so I wanted to maintain the masculinity of Bel, who has long black hair, while contrasting with Tori. The linework was just for kicks, but I like how it turned out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks great. Keep it up!