
Art: Art Half-Marathon 09, Day 10 or 008/100 Themes - Innocence

"Inosea." Innocence. 8/100 Themes

In Alisian, the word for "state" is the same as "family." There are twelve Alisian "states," each led by a family of the same name. The Alisian are known for their, often backwards and barbaric rituals. At eight, every Alisian citizen receives his or her first weapon, often a dagger. The weapon's first cut is therefore, its future bearer. Each state uses a different set of markings representative of a different state founder. Those of Ailinar are over the right eye because the founder was disfigured on that side of his face.

The story of how Rivek got his scar is something I rarely explain but holds a lot of meaning. While the cuts heal in most cases (like Mirab's), Rivek had an infection which caused his to scar. He nearly lost his eyesight, but he was saved by his magic. However, the lasting imprint on his face is a metaphor for the foreign birthright he can never escape. The dagger is one of the few things he keeps his entire life, a symbol of acceptance in some, albeit foreign, society.

I'm not very practiced at drawing children.

Rivek wrapped the grey cloak around his shoulders. The sun was just rising out at sea, and the earth hadn't warmed up yet. His father, Mitharon, took a long, cloth-wrapped package from one pocket, and a small codex from another.

Mitharon flipped the book to a middle page, marked with a red string, and began to read the same words every Alisian child longed to hear. "On the winter solstice after your eighth birthday, we have assessed your ability and welcome you as a member of our family. As a token of recognition, you will receive your first weapon."

Mitharon unwrapped the cloth package, revealing a silver stiletto dagger, its pommel engraved with a six-pointed star. Rivek knew it had been specifically crafted for him. "A blade has been chosen for you. Honor it as you would honor your father, your mother, and your country. But before you may touch it, it must leave its mark on you."

He placed his thumb over Rivek's right eye so as not to damage it, and he ran the blade down across his cheek making sure he drew blood. "Know and feel the pain that you can now inflict on others."

He drew the blade across Rivek's cheekbone, leaving a horizontal welt in its place. "And that, is for being born a true son of Ailinar. You have the birthright of a leader, and so you must know that the pain your followers inflict is also your responsibility."

With that, he placed the hilt in Rivek's left hand and began bandaging the boy's face.

"Thank you, father."

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